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Why We Like Social Networks and How It Impacts on Our Life?

By February 16, 2019July 10th, 2023No Comments

Social networks have become alternative reality. The more time passes by, the more real the networks become. “If you are not online, you do not exist”. You heard this before, right?

Ever since the dawn of mankind, the need to stay connected has existed. People had joined tribes, families, society in order to survive. From a psychological point of view, humans have the need to live in packs. It is more comfortable to know that you are not alone and that someone is sharing your joy or sorrow.

In modern society, the world lies in the palm of your hand. The concept of social networks was meant to facilitate the processes in our lives. And it does. What networks also contributed to is the fact we are constantly exposed as we keep sharing our deepest thoughts with the rest of the world.

We like to use social networks to keep you informed and inspired. Check out our Twitter account and Instagram, but also our Facebook page where you can find a nice Valentine’s Day promotion that expires today.

As for some of the advantages of being online, keep reading.

Connecting people – No one is alone virtually. I must admit that at the time when social networks were introduced, I hesitated to open my profile. The whole concept seemed too detached to me. Nothing can compare to a live conversation face to face, or so I thought. Soon, people around me started spending more and more time online, and comment on the lives of friends whom we have not seen for a long time. I wanted to be a part of that world. My primary drive was the need to keep touch with friends and family who moved abroad. As time was passing by, other advantages of using social networks emerged. Today, an incredible number of people are using this media not just to connect with other people, but to boost their businesses, upgrade their professional experience, etc.

Social media has replaced chat rooms, where people “talked” without ever seeing each other, or knowing anything about the background, appearance, habits or likes and dislikes of that other person. We moved a few steps ahead, and today we can form an opinion about someone before even the interaction started. Naturally, the details upon which this opinion is created are true to the extent that person is willing to reveal them.

Opportunity to join groups which share your interest – In case you are lacking the people who share your interests in real life, social media gives you the chance to find likeminded people online. Whether you choose to interact with people who share your interests, or to discuss with people who have opposite viewpoints, social media will make your life more interesting. Draw back of this channel of communication is a possibility of misuse. However, if you are a responsible adult, aware of the rules to which we should all abide when using social networks, you will be able to recognize and prevent possible harassment.

Social networks are free – Since they are free to use, these communities are open for anybody. So, why not take advantage of this fact and adjust the use to your preferences?

Social networks are one of the jobs searching platforms – Not only that social networks can help businesses to spread and attract more consumers, but they can also help individuals find jobs. People post their CVs, skills, previous projects, information about their education, all in order to attract possible colleagues or employers to notice them. Professional platforms keep recruiting people this way, and we can openly say that business has shifted online. Never before has the world been so connected and intertwined. And the possibilities are immense.

We would like to stay connected. Lets make friends!


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