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Where there’s a will

Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way

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A man is an egoistic being. We all are. It is in a human nature. Without a certain amount of egoism, we would not be able to survive through centuries. I know it sounds harsh when we like to think about ourselves as of very conscientious people, kind and considerate. Fortunately, we have means and willingness to learn and adapt, as well as to grow in spirit. Nevertheless, we keep yielding to our vanity. Closing our eyes in front of the circumstances that we made ourselves believe are greater than us. Where there’s a will there’s a way, they say. So, why do we keep finding excuses for not acting, not going through with our plans, not defending people who are weaker than others, not standing up for what is right?

Things We Fear

Kudos to people who manage to have control over their ego. When you take a look at the everyday circumstances that we successfully evade because it is easier that way, you will see how weak we can be.

For example, the diet never starts the moment we talk about it. It does not matter. We will start tomorrow. In order to start exercising we need a preparation, bot physical and psychological. Then, we need a proper gear. And don’t let me even start on planning an annual check-up. We will do it next week, next month, and so on.  Self-deceit is a powerful thing.

Additionally, many people have troubles connecting. They give a way to prejudice and just let others pass them without making a true connection. It is safer that way. Why? Because:

  • who knows what they are truly like
  • how “normal” those others are,
  • how privileged or unprivileged they are
  • to what extent we share the same values
  • what their background is
  • if they have alternative motives for making bonds
  • will they hurt us, and ultimately
  • what-the-hell they want from us?

Well, guess what – you will never know, unless you reach out, right?

Fear and Passion

It has occurred to me that fear and passion are the two most powerful drives. Passion makes us to unimaginable things. The greatest works of art represent expressions of greatest passions. The most unbelievable human stories of survival were inspired by passion in its many forms – desire to live, aspiration to succeed, a strong wish to help someone, etc.

Fear on the other hand can either motivate us or block us completely. Apparently, people are always struggling between these two ends of the spectra. If we feel frightened, we will back down. If we feel passionate about something, we will fight for it. It is amazing that after so many centuries a man has lived on this planet, human behavior can be reduced to these two actuators. Fighting fear is a more complex concept, and you can find some of the practical advice here.

Therefore, the question is: how to motivate yourself to act and not be a passive by stander of your own life?

Find Your Driving Force

Obviously, we live in times of tensions and various movements that will shape our future. In order to be able to stand firmly with both feet touching the ground, a man needs to recognize the inner virtues. The same goes for the traps our minds can make and prevent us from acting as we should.

In order to let go of fear and find your passion to motivate you, psychologists suggest the following:

  • Self-actualization
  • Practice love and belonging
  • Accept your own worth
  • Try to form a bond with that special someone, both physically and emotionally

Do you think you have enough of a will to find your way?


Unbelievable gambling stories

The Most Unbelievable Gambling Stories

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There have always been great people in history who gambled big money away only to win even more. Some of them were purely lucky, others thought it through before coming to a casino. Some even had their own agendas and strategies. All of them had one common goal – to break the bank. These are some of the most unbelievable gambling stories in recent history. You may find them inspirational. Or, they can make you try looking at things from another perspective. Afterwards, join us at bet safe and crypto accepted Casino Brango. We are live 24/7 and offer hot selection of games and instant payouts.

Nick Leeson

Nick Leeson is considered the ultimate gambler who lost enormous amount of money and did not even entered a casino. Unlike other 2 gamblers on our list, Leeson’s gambling stories were adventurous, bud sad. He made several extremely bad choices. However, the amazing thing is that despite his epic fall, more than a decade after, he was giving interviews and speeches on how not to break the bank. So, what did he do?

In short, Leeson was a Fund Manager at Baring’s Bank, one of the oldest banks in the world. And he brought it down to bankruptcy. He traded with derivatives, reportedly using the bank’s weak spot of not being able to track his wrongdoings. Therefore, he created a secret account to hide the losses he made. On the other hand, Leeson tried to reimburse the money by risking it even more in shady trades.

Nick Leeson’s $1 Billion Fall

One of the most unbelievable gambling stories started in 1995. Leeson gambled that the Nikkei index would stay still overnight. Now, he must had really been born under an unlucky star because the Nikkei index fell rapidly in just a few hours, due to the earthquake that hit Japan that very night. The loss was estimated to app. $1 billion! Leeson escaped, only to be caught soon in Germany and sentenced to 4 years in prison.

In 1998 there was a movie, inspired by his story, called “The Rogue Trader”. Nevertheless, we find it more interesting to hear from the man himself about the adventure that marked his life.


Edward Thorpe

Unbelievable gambling stories would not be complete without mentioning Edward Thorpe. Many of you must have heard this name. Mr. Thorpe wrote the most popular book on Blackjack, which became a must-read for all fans of the game of 21. It is called “Beat the Dealer”. Naturally, the book reflects on Thorpe’s own experience and his knowledge in mathematics. He was a professor of probability and statistical analysis.

Thorpe’s work actually proves to what extent Blackjack is a game that demands skill. Although, this may sound intimidating because you really need to put some effort to master the skill, it is at the same time comforting to know that a man can beat the system.

Edward Thorpe’s Influence on Casinos’ Operation

The book “Beat the Dealer” provoked casinos to change the Blackjack rules, in order to put Thorpe’s theory out of practice. Nevertheless, this decision reflected in significantly lower number of players at Blackjack tables. Hence, the rules were reinstated. This is a short interview with Mr. Thorpe showing the way he thinks about gambling and finances.


Paul Newey

If you Google his name, the result you get is that Paul Newey is a businessman and semi-professional poker player from Dorset, England. He is also said to be the co-founder of Ocean Finance and New Wave Ventures. People estimate Newey’s net worth to more than $335 million. Unbelievable gambling stories Mr. Newey could tell are probably many. However, we will focus on just one.

The reason he found his place on our list is the fact he made £3 million in just one night. He broke the bank in a casino in Birmingham, UK, where he played roulette. Before poker, roulette was his game of choice.

Newey had his own strategy, which he referred to as “full & complete”. It basically covers many variations of a number he bets on. The goal is to enhance the odds, and the estimates say that his odds were at 3-1. Therefore, he found no difficulties in betting £300,000 on a single roulette spin.

The money he won, the entire £3 million he reportedly lost in the following month – only to continue playing and eventually winning even more. Take a look at some of the most amazing poker folds.



Conspiracy theory

Conspiracy Theory and Seeing the Reality Clearly

By Lifestyle No Comments

What we see is not necessarily real. Sometimes, our perspective is distorted due to many reasons. It could be due to visual effects, when we can hardly comprehend that our eyes are not seeing the whole truth. It can also happen because of the fact that we are emotionally attached and therefore our judgement is questionable. And then, the most interesting reason – cognitive distortion! Sounds awfully serious, I know. We’ll try to make it simpler. Let’s see what the brain can do to full us around, according to therapists. It is up to you to decide to what extent the picture you develop is actually “distorted”. Are you into conspiracy theory and seeing reality clearly?

What Does It Mean to Have a Distorted Thinking?

Our brains are like computers. They can process a great amount of data. It has been estimated that the human with an average brain capacity can store app. 2.5 million gigabytes of memory. Humans have up to 80,000 thoughts a day. They say that it is no wonder our brains sometimes have a glitch. And let’s see how therapists define cognitive distortion.

According to the widely accepted belief, this phenomenon defines as “a pattern in a belief system that is false or inaccurate and has the potential to cause psychological damage”.

I am not at all an expert, but I am interpreting this in the following way. If a person thinks in a certain way which is not based on logic, he or she has a distorted picture of a reality. Furthermore, that kind of thinking would lead to psychological problems. If I am to accept this as the truth and give great minds of psychology a benefit of a doubt, all my problems are solved.

Does Thinking Intuitively Causes Damage?

Many people do not feel being trapped if thinking outside the box. Take faith for example. If you are a believer, you simply believe. You do not constantly look for an evidence of the God’s existence. You test your faith from time to time because events in real life cannot always depict your belief system logically. But does this cause psychological damage?

On the other hand, dwelling on topics that can never be solved, or disclosed is troublesome and I assume can cause insecurities, paranoia, fear, etc. Nevertheless, there are people who are very inclined to explore the mysterious events and stories and still are able to retain their sanity.

What’s Up with Conspiracy Theories?

Take conspiracy theory s as a great example of this phenomenon. These are stories that we have found online, or that we have heard of. For these stories, we have no hard evidence and will probably never know whether they are true. However, the pieces of the puzzle they are building somehow make sense. Why is that?

Perhaps, because we never find ourselves in a situation to simultaneously examine the arguments coming from both sides of the spectra.  To do so, we would need to have access to data stored in various institutions. Alternatively, to find the scientific experts willing to debunk each and every theory that emerges. This never happens. If it is not logically refuted, then it could be true.

On the other hand, calling it a “conspiracy theory” gives it a sinister sound that is again playing with our minds. The moment someone tries to discredit in advance a person or a phenomenon by giving them labels, an alarm in our brains should turn on.

Qanons and the Flat Earth Phenomenon

I remember that when I first saw the documentary on the subject of flat Earth, I was really shocked. Could the Earth really be flat? Everything said in that 2-hour video, which I believe you can still find on YT, made sense to me. However, nothing was in line with what I learned throughout my life.  I am not saying that it is true. However, I support questioning the belief systems.

Another phenomenon that emerged is the Qanon movement (or society). I am not sure what the proper term is. The great thing about the Qanons is that they invite everyone to do their own research. However, conducting a credible research on topics that are highly classified is not something anyone can do. Again, we can only rely on what we see, hear and ultimately – believe. If that makes our brains cognitively distorted, so be it.

How Our Brains are Set?

Human brain usually strives for order. It looks for pieces to fit in. Doubt is only a logical means to achieve this. You doubt and develop critical thinking based on your conclusions – whatever those conclusions may be. This gives you the chance to explore and deduct. Lastly, that is how you keep your brain alive!

Another great way to exercise your brain is to keep playing. We have many active promotions at our bet safe and crypto accepted Casino Brango. Check them out! 

And do not forget to let us know about the ways you keep your brain alive. Do you have a favorite conspiracy theory?



Visualization and Imagining the World for Yourself

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Wouldn’t it be nice if we could control the future? Trained psychologists say that this is possible. They have actually recorded many successful examples of people being guided with their mental forces thus creating the real events as per their imagination. We can agree that imagining a slightly better world is a necessity these days. So, lets explore the path to visualization and imagining the world for yourself.

The Mind-Body Connection

Personally, when choosing advice to follow regarding any psychological issue, I go for the mainstream professional authorities. On the other hand, the curiosity often gets the best of me, so I end up exploring alternatives as well. However, there are rarely issues that science hasn’t explored. You just have to dig deeper to find the answers.

To cut the story short, one thing that both authorities agree on is that mental strength has great influence on a human body. The connection between the two has been proved many times.

Apparently, the science has evidence of brain cells activating when a person thinks about physical exercise in detail. And those cells activate as if that individual is actually in the gym, exercising. The brain patterns proved to be the same, assuring us that mental exercise is just as important as the physical one.

More interestingly, mental exercise is possibly even more important. Why? Because it acts as the driving force, the fuel without which the physical exercise does not reach its full potential. And most of professional athletes know this.

The Future Starts in Our Minds

We live different lifestyles. Each person’s future depends greatly on the capacity to visualize. There have been many talks about the ways some of the greatest scientists, such as Tesla for example, visualized success in their own minds, prior to achieving them in real life. Imagining events to the smallest detail appears to be crucial.

Psychologists claim that the more senses we are able to include in our imagination, the better the results. Furthermore, the sequence of events is important. The visualization needs to be structured.

It activates attention and perception, as well as motor control and memory. Playing this highly personalized movie in your head can improve your self-confidence and motivation.

Tips from the Experts

There are many tips you can come across on the Internet searching for successful visualization. The three most important, as I see it, are: define a specific goal, include all of your senses, and let go of the doubts.

Here are some tips which you can easily put into practice, and some more tips from professional that you can find at this link .

  • Practice visualization in a quiet place, where you feel comfortable, undistracted and serene.
  • Determine the specific time during the day (or night) to perform mental exercises which should boost your mental strength. More importantly, be consistent and do not skip a day.
  • Spend at least 5 minutes each day, practicing visualization. Some say that the longer it lasts, the stronger the influence, and the more memorable the results.
  • Start with imagining the positive outcome and the ultimate goal. Steadily include elements referring to the possible obstacles you may encounter, and the way to overcome them.
  • When visualizing, imagine the details. This means thinking about what exactly you would wish to see, how exactly you wish to feel, what smells do you feel, who do you see beside you, what do you hear, etc.
  • Surround yourself with mental maps, or vision boards. This map should contain visuals and short quotes to motivate you to stay on the path and do not give up on your dreams. Wondering how to do it? Pinterest is full of examples.

Let us know your thoughts on visualizing as a technique and whether it has proved to work. Above all, we would love to hear tips on this subject, if you have any.

After coronavirus

After Coronavirus, There’s Bitcoin

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One thing is for sure: after coronavirus we will continue to provide the best entertainment online giving you the chance to fill up your wallets. There will be exclusive promotions and boosts, as well as free spins, crypto deals, and all the wonderful things you used to. So, the fun will not lack at our bet safe and crypto accepted Brango Casino.  However, many voices globally continue asking – after coronavirus, what’s next? Therefore, we decided to explore. And, thankfully, concluded that liquid assets, and cryptos especially, could be the answer. After coronavirus, there’s Bitcoin.

Change of Habits

The situation we found ourselves in luckily has a positive side. More precisely, it provides the opportunity to draw the positive aspects out to the open. When in trouble, only the true courage or resourcefulness can triumph.

Being forced to live in a certain way, humans adapt. For some, the change happens steadily and smoothly. Others struggle. Either way, if we wish to survive, we have to find a way to navigate the storms.

The coronavirus lockdowns and safety measures have taught us to be precautious and communicate in a completely new manner. Personally, I found communication crucial to survival. So, if we must take distance between one another, and gradually develop the habit of distancing as the crisis continues, will the new brave world be more self-sufficient?

Change of Expectations

Coronavirus crisis has accentuated the importance of health care accessibility. It has also stressed the importance of international co-operation, especially in the healthcare system. Apparently, great amount of people seeks help and comfort in others in difficult times.

This raises several questions, all of which relate to money. The equation is quite simple. The more money you have, the better healthcare package. It is only logical to assume that more and more people will demand better and more accessible healthcare. While it is up to the system to take care of this, what individuals can do is try to secure as more liquid funds as possible. This can enable them to pay for proper healthcare should the similar pandemic occur.

How to Secure the Funds?

The challenge is in finding the way to secure those funds, in case you still do not have them. The only way we can think of at the moment is to try playing with us and potentially earn money. As you will see from the interview linked below this post, Bitcoin could be one of the smart choices, due to its liquidity and accessibility. And Brango Casino has an exclusive crypto promotion offer of 200% and 75 free spins for your next crypto deposit. The best part of it is that cryptos allow for instant withdrawal.

Change of Global Economics

There have been predictions that only the very large corporations will endure this crisis with as much as a scratch. Smaller businesses will suffer, some of them irreparably. Although we, as regular people and not experts, cannot tell at the moment whether it would result in such a strong crisis, be prepared.

Global shift leaves no one intact. The time it would take to recoup the lost profits and inject it into newly produced values will probably take its toll on a whole generation. In the meantime, finding alternative ways to keep your head above water will become crucial.

What Next?

While deciding what to do, we invite you to listen to the interview with Mr. Anthony Pompliano, Co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital . He talks about the expectation he has from investing in Bitcoin, in years to come. Let us know your thoughts on the interview, as well a on how you are preparing for the future.