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lucky objects

The Most Common Lucky Objects

By Lifestyle 2 Comments

There is no man on the Earth that didn’t think about luck at least once in a life. Usually, it happens when we at some life crises, but it wouldn’t be always like that.  In those cases, we think of everything that should bring us luck, and some people believe in some lucky animals. Others like to read quotes about luck as a motivation or to take some lucky objects everywhere and every time. These are some of the most common lucky objects people believe that bring them luck.


A horseshoe, open end up, on a door is believed to be a protective talisman in many cultures. It symbolizes good luck, power over evil, good fortune, and fertility. Horseshoe is associated with a horse’s strength and dependability. Greeks believe that it symbolized the crescent moon, which is the symbol of fertility.


This is the most common lucky symbol in Native American culture and it is considered good luck because it catches the negative images from dreams. This is based on the Legend of Nokomis, a story about one grandmother named Nakomis, her grandson, and spider. Each day, Nakomis watched the spider working on his web. One day grandson wants to kill him, but grandmother didn’t let him do that. In return for saving his life, the spider gave her a present. It was the special web he made for her. Only good dreams will go through the small hole, which means that only good dreams will be remembered and bad will become entangled in the web.


Probably, everyone knows there is a saying: “See a penny, pick it up and all day long you’ll have a good luck. Leave it there and you’ll despair.” Coins are lucky in many ways. Some people believe that if the coin is face down it’s best to leave it on the ground. Also, coins that are bent or have holes in them are luckiest of all.

If you want to try your luck, the best way is to play games at Casino Brango.

Leadership in life and business

Leadership in Life and Business

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When you think of a leader, what is the first name that comes to your mind? Is it one of the famous politicians, an entrepreneur, or someone you know from everyday life? Leaders are individuals who have strong influence on other people and processes and who make things happen. So, why people do not usually relate the term “leader” with men and women who are not in the spotlight? Let us explore the leadership in life and business.

Leadership Skills in Real Life

I happen to know a lot of persons who lead by example. Being a leader in everyday life has its advantages, as well as downsides.  These individuals are usually not widely recognized and have no records of accolades ascribed to their names. Many books have been written on this subject, while the topic itself is quite simple to understand.

A person is a leader if he or she inspires and supports others while sharing the same goal. A true leader leads. This means that a leader should be focused on what can be done, not ponder on the possible mistakes and inabilities. Additionally, a leader is the person who is able to recognize other people‘s abilities and use them as resources.  This may sound to complicated, I know. Nevertheless, if you move the focus of your thinking from corporate frame to everyday life, you will see that leaders are among us.

A dedicated friend can be someone who inspires you. Friendships have that impact on people. We often find ourselves exploring the subjects we have never before thought of. Alternatively, friendships can be the driving force behind our efforts to achieve certain goals. Whether that driving force comes in a form of competitive spirit between friends or the simple need to show that we are good at something, to boast about, it is of less importance.

Parents can be magnificent leaders too. Their altruistic “job” is to be understanding and supportive. A parent should be able to foresee the obstacles and to teach the child how to circumnavigate them. Alternatively, a parent can lead a child‘s way through the obstacle and experience the storm together. Sometimes, it is necessary to learn through mistakes and a good leader knows that investing in such an experience pays off. Eventually, a skilled person is the one with a lot of “hands-on” escapades. Furthermore, the ultimate goal of a parent is to groom new leaders.

Old Vs. New

We hear the same phrases on daily basis: “Be pro-active, follow your dreams.” Although this is nice and we can agree with the essence of this message, we feel the need to question the means to achieve such goals. Call me old school, but “pro-active” is often mistakenly understood as “aggressive”. What great leaders do is rely on former authorities in their field and then explore if there is any room for improvement of their ideas and methods.

The technology has changed significantly, and it is still developing at incredible speeds. This makes our lives easier in a way. It puts technology in our hands as a means of achieving higher goals. However, human nature is not changing at the same speed as technology. Good leaders are aware of intellectual limits of people in their teams. Above all, being a leader does not necessarily mean that you should generate something new and revolutionary. The way we see it, leaders are the persons who do something meaningful and are able to transfer that drive and knowledge to others.

There are times when we should consult older and wiser. I have read recently that Bill Gates has learned the most important lesson in life from Warren Buffett. According to his own words, he learned what true friendship really is. And what an investment that is! To learn how to share the knowledge and inspire others while getting the same feedback. Obviously, this is how true leaders are made. Not everything is in fierce discipline, working by the book and building condescending attitude towards the world.

Do you know any good leaders?


Suspicious mind

A Suspicious Mind Rethinking Trust and Privacy

By Lifestyle 2 Comments

I am present on all social media platforms and like to browse and be informed. I am very much aware of the fact that most of the info I receive is false, or at least not entirely true. Still, I persist. I post, I interact and sometimes I stay away from certain subjects. Probably because of a suspicious mind rethinking trust and telling me to stay on the safe side.

Privacy In The Past

First of all, I grew up in a world where the main lesson on privacy was not to talk to strangers. Our daily routine was based on trust. Consequently, I trusted my parents that they would protect me no matter what. They trusted me to do my homework and go straight home from school. We all trusted my teachers that they would teach me valuable things and above all – to teach me how to keep studying and advance professionally. Everyone trusted the drivers on the streets to keep their side of the lane. We all trusted our doctors with our lives.  People trusted their next-door neighbors to be normal, sane people able to look after the children if needed.  Therefore, there had not been any talks about psychopaths or any kind of maniacs luring around.

Privacy Today

What privacy entails nowadays, greatly differs. Hence, the exposure of the smallest details from our lives appears to be the danger to our privacy . There are a lot of fields to cover if we want to be fully protected. However, I honestly think that we have never been fully protected in the first place.

Recently, a man contacted me on Facebook after I left a comment on a post regarding education.  It appeared we shared common interests. He was polite, not at all pushy. and he looked normal. Nevertheless, I replied with a single phrase. I did not feel the need to get into details and start a conversation. I felt endangered. Why? The trust was gone. The trust in general.

We are constantly being told that this world is full of psychos. Therefore, we learned quickly that drug dealers, murderers and other criminals are on the streets, just waiting to claim us as victims. We are being threaten by other humans. The evil ones.

The Outcome

The result is clearly visible. We keep our accounts private. Above all, we take all safety measures to ensure our loved ones are secured. We take self-defense lessons. We do not share our thoughts openly as we used to.  We are binge watching crime series, taking pleasure in a fact we are not the characters in it. We are unconsciously preparing for that something bad to happen.

While doing this, we are also alienating from people who are close to us. I bet everyone here reconsidered the kind words someone uttered. Maybe even made a false impression in his or her own mind by twisting the words and giving them the new meaning, quite different from the original one.  Sometimes, we do not know how to take a compliment. Being suspicious at  altruistic gestures has become reality.  It appears that we are on the verge of completely losing the foundation of all human connections – the trust.

I read it somewhere that if a child learns at the very young age that there are people he or she can rely on, that child will be trustworthy in adulthood.  It seems that majority of issues with trust happen unconsciously, although we have built the trust based on conscious experience.  Finally, will we let the circumstances we live in take their toll on us, or will we fight back?

We are dying to hear whether you feel unsafe in any given situation.

liar lie

The Art of Spotting a Liar

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Not all of us can be Tim Roth-intuitive when it comes to busting liars. I must admit I was a fan of “Lie to me” series. The way he would press his lips firmly and give meaningful glance at the subject before making decision whether he or she is telling the truth… I gave it a lot of thought and was not able to conclude if such a skill is a gift or a curse.

If you are into poker, learning how to spot the signs of insincere behavior is crucial. Non verbal communication takes up to 55% of the communication in general, while another 38% is done by various vocal signals. Only 7% of communication is expressed in words. Many believe that body language can be faked, but with great difficulty. This is the reason why so many professionals have studied body language and still need time for observing a person in order to make substantial conclusions in regard to lying. Nevertheless, let us walk you through some basics in spotting a liar.

Unusual eye contactIt is no surprise that this is the number one proof everyone should look for.

Statistics say that we are being lied to up to 200 times a day. Can you imagine? Not every lie we hear is a big, important lie. Furthermore, most of the lies we believe is either written or told over the phone. It is a bit more difficult to manipulate someone when you are face to face. Why? Well, it seems we have innate ability, the sixth sense or call it whatever you want – to recognize when we are being verbally manipulated. This is where the eye contact kicks in.

If someone stares at you, you will inevitably feel discomfort after some time. The same would happen if someone is obviously avoiding the eye contact. Logically, the proper, honest look should be balanced, without looking away, or too much blinking, or staring at one point, or looking to the upper right corner if a person is right-handed. Psychologists say that by looking in this particular direction a person is in a way “calling for” the creative part of the brain where imagination is stored, to think of a good story, a lie, an excuse. In case you are being confronted with an experienced liar, who actually enjoys this game and is proficient in hiding intentions and the actual circumstances he is in, observing the pupils is more reliable tell-tale sign. Once a person has told a lie and believes he was good at it, the pupils of the eyes will become dilated and will stay that way for some time. This is also applicable to situations when someone is participating in a game or a situation where he feels comfortable, such as looking at strong hand in poker, perhaps?

Breathing – Although breathing is an inborn process, it can be controlled to certain extent. However, the less experienced players would be overwhelmed with controlling their gestures in order to pay some attention to breathing. Any type of change in the regular breathing rhythm can be a sign that a person is hiding something. Grasping for air is the natural, unconscious act and we all do it many times per day, but in stressful situations, breathing is accentuated.

Here we are at the subject of more obvious gestures which tell if a person is under stress – because in case you were not born as a poker star, the chances are your body language will give you up.

Scratching your nose, rubbing you ears, neck or biting your lips – Remember the story about the three monkeys who do not see, hear or tell evil? It was made up for a reason. This old symbol stands as a reminder of a well behavior, which is obviously visible by the things we say, hear or see. When a person lies or hides something, he feels the need to find a comfort zone. This is why by touching some parts of the body, a liar is comforting his own conscious.

Putting objects between himself and the person being lied to is another strong sign of hiding something. Installing a barrier actually tells:” We are not close. We cannot be, because there is no honesty between us. Furthermore, do not take any step closer. You may see through me.”

No matter whether you do your best in misleading others, or you are an easy-to-read kind of person, we would love to hear about the most hilarious lie you have ever told or heard.

sad unhappy woman happy

Why Are You Not Feeling Happy?

By Lifestyle No Comments

Happiness and how to achieve it. I bet you read or heard this catching title thousands of times so far. Maybe you even paid a significant amount of money to get an advice from a licensed practitioner, or a popular life coach. Did it make you feel better? If not, or at least not entirely, we can suggest identifying the advices that do not work for you and finding your own path. It is ok to feel hurt and heal and feel hurt again and heal again… until you reach a stage in your life when you are fulfilled.

Without any pretensions of advising on serious life issues and teaching anyone how to cope with difficulties in life, I can only conclude that people are more desperate than ever. We may be living at higher standards than our predecessors, and we may have the means and resources to secure better or more meaningful future (who decides what is meaningful is a question), but we have become detached from the society in general, from the members of our “tribe”, from our very selves. And feeling unhappy because of this seems like a very natural thing.

Nothing is wrong with you if you recognize the cause and feel helpless and unable to think of a solution. On the other hand, the way I see it – it is also natural and human not being able to recognize the problem, but feel unhappy and unfulfilled, without any idea how to help yourself.   

While waiting for professional help (in case you need it), allow me to reminisce of the previous experience and stuff people told me, which I later found to be false.

sad unhappy happy

“Do not let the emotions control you” – I do not know about you, but I have nothing against emotions. They make us who we are. Having an experienced and brilliant mind that can make wise decisions is a great advantage. However, every time I made an intellectually-based decision, which opposed my heart, I was in trouble, going through endless circles of regret and rethinking whether something could have been done differently. Just think to what extent our world would have been different if we, as a human kind, had not made certain decisions, but rather had let our hearts decide.

Learning how to control the extremes is a good thing. But, if you are experiencing plain sorrow or stress, nothing is wrong with you. Remember that Leonard Cohen lyrics: “There is a crack in everything… that is how the light gets in“. Let yourself to go through this process the easiest way possible. Accept it. Stop blaming yourself and try finding the constructive solution.

“You are overthinking and not living in the moment” – Ah, the ever-popular talk about “the moment”. No one actually knows what this term entails, and whether it is achievable, as the concept of time is debatable. However, many people are using this vague advice frequently. As for me, I see nothing wrong in planning ahead and living in the future. This is what keeps me going.

“You have bad eating habits” – OK. I admit it. However, there is no point in accentuating the obvious, especially if a person is struggling to overcome the psychological issue, not the physical one. So, when you are feeling down and crave for sweets or certain type of food, indulge yourself. Just remember to take a walk afterwards. It can clear your thoughts and increase your endorphin levels.

Above all, remember that having difficulties in experiencing fulfilment in life is nothing to be ashamed of.  The world we live in has never been so dynamic and hectic. Our organisms are obviously not pre-disponed to adapt quickly to such changes.  Take it easy and believe in yourself to be able to heal your own way.

Looking forward to hearing about the ways you fight depression and bad days.