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The spirit of Inca

The Spirit of Inca

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South America is the home to some of the greatest civilizations ever. Incas are the first people that come to mind when talking about this phenomenon. They left traces of highly developed infrastructure and art forms. What they also left behind is the flavor of mystery related to their disappearance. It is not strange that they spark controversy even today. Therefore, they have also inspired game developers who created one of your favorite slots – The Spirit of Inca.

Our game “The Spirit of the Inca” is the progressive one – to honor the grandeur of the associated civilization. Progressive slots have specified terms and we invite you to try them once in a while, when you are feeling audacious.

Basic Historical Data

Historians believe that the Cuzco Valley was first inhabited way back around 4,500 BC. However, the period of flourishment under the Inca rule is set between 1400 and 1533 AD. They eventually spread across entire western part of the South America. From Quito in the north to Santiago in the south. The Inca Empire was the largest empire that America has ever seen.

The Spirit of Inca

Historians claim that the Incas had great respect for the civilizations that lived in the same region before the Incas came. Apparently, the territory around the Wari and Tiwanaku, as well as Titikaka lake were very important to those early settlers. The region remained equally important under the Incas. Places where nature shows itself in all its splendor have always been significant. Inhabitants looked at them as places where gods communicate with ordinary people. Therefore, they had a habit of setting up shrines and performing rituals in naturally enriched places.

Gods, Goddesses and the Rituals

The Incas payed respect to Inti – the Sun god. Inti was the supreme deity. Consequently, there was also Mama Kilya – the Moon goddess. The fact that their supreme deities reflected the two most visible and powerful planets confirms the fact that Incas were nature oriented. Obviously, this did not happen without a reason. They observed and kept alert. They were aware of the natural cycles of change and the renewal of nature. Incas payed special attention to the movements of the sun, moon and they have also been aware of the Milky Way.

In order to survive, they needed to tame the nature to work to their own advantage. That is why they sacrificed both animals and humans hoping to please the gods in order to have the fruitful season. Avoiding natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, droughts was also a plea to the gods. The Incas performed the rituals at places of utmost beauty, such as mountain tops. Furthermore, they also exploited the caves, springs, etc. for their ritual gatherings.

Golden Temple and Shamans

Apart from the golden temple dedicated to Inti, one of the most famous and sacred places was the temple in the honor of the god Pachamac. Incas believed that this god created them, as well as all the plants that they used in daily lives.

Shamans were the ones to perform rituals. Almost every great civilization respected shamans as “representatives” of gods. They were the beings through whom the connection was established. Furthermore, in the Inca civilization, the shaman was also an adviser to the ruler.

The ruler was the only one allowed to sit in the temple of the Sun. This temple, or the famous Coricancha, was the center piece temple in the Inca capital. Historians state that a significant part of the temple was filled with gold. There was also a giant Sun disc which reflected light illuminating the rest of the temple. As we have said earlier, the Incas observed the nature. Therefore, they aligned the disc to illuminate the sacred space during summer solstice.  That type of place was “blessed by the Sun God” and reserved for the ruler.


Have you played “The Spirit of Inca” before? Give it a try!

Magical number 7

Magical Number 7

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Magical number 7 is omnipresent. The fact is that people rarely take notice of things and signs surrounding them. However, the world we live in is deeply connected with the meaning of numbers. Moreover, we could say that numbers are embedded in the foundation of our world. In this post we will not tackle the mathematical meaning of the number 7, but the metaphysical one.

The symbolism of Magical Number 7

Number 7 usually symbolizes higher wisdom. Hence, a connection with the universe. Many believe that the meaning of number 7 originates from the biblical interpretation. Nevertheless, symbolism of number 7 expands much wider.

God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Therefore, number 7 usually relates to spirituality, the higher dimensions. In a wider sense, number 7 is a “token of mind over matter.”  As such, it strives for perfection.

Furthermore, number 7 symbolizes prosperous life, as well as all things nice. Happiness, renewal of nature, perfected order of all things.  Also, number 7 symbolizes power. This could be the reason why we often relate this number to people and organizations that rule our world.

Magical Number 7 in Ancient Times

Almost every ancient civilization had its own interpretation of number 7. These interpretations vary slightly. It means that there are some universally accepted meanings of number 7. How is that possible? We are talking about people living in very distant places with no acknowledgement of the other. Apparently, the meaning of number 7 imposed itself on people as a logical conclusion of observations of the world that surrounded them.

Magical Number 7 in Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, the cleverest men in a society were called “The Sages”. According to Plato, the sages achieved the wisdom through time. That is why, a man could not be declared “a sage” before he turned 50. At that age, a sage becomes an adviser.

It is interesting to know that according to Plato, there have been Seven Sages. Namely, Thales of Miletus, Pittacus of Mytilene, Bias of Priene, Solon, Cleobulus of Lindus, Myson of Chen, Chilon of Sparta.  These seven wise men marked the new direction in thinking about the world we live in. What they introduced was the critical thinking, the need to reconsider the widely accepted beliefs and ideas. Basically, they laid the foundation to the concept that we still value highly: critical thinking. To put it even more simply – we are in need of critical minds today.

Therefore, we have 7 sages promoting the change in the way we think, striving for the ultimate goal. That goal was to dispel the illusions, to return our derailed thinking to the right path, to see the big picture and hence – achieve at least some wisdom.

Magical Number 7 in Ancient Rome and Beyond

People in ancient Rome had Seven Liberal Arts forming the proper education system for all men who wanted to be free (grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, astronomy, music, geometry).

The Romans also had the Seven Hills of Rome: Aventine Hill, Caelian Hill, Capitoline Hill, Esquiline Hill, Palatine Hill, Quirinal Hill, Viminal Hill. These seven hills were the heart of Rome. In reality, Rome was formed when the people in settlements on these hills decided to expand and unite.

Chinese consider the 7th month in a year to be the “Ghost Month”. This is the time when the ghosts from hell roam among the living who forgot to pay their respects to those ghosts. The legend about the “Ghost Month” calls for awakening and realization how bonds should be created. Interestingly, the 7th day of the 7th month in China is the equivalent to Valentine’s Day in the West.

In Judaism, the Menorah features seven branches of Candelabrum.  Also, there are seven days of Sukkot, which is a reminder of the days spent in a desert after escaping from the Egyptian slavery.

Magical Number 7 Today

It is the 21st century and we still consider number 7 to hold a certain symbolic power. The 7 still symbolizes the wisdom, the truth which is often hidden behind the seven veils. Its meaning strives for the underlying ideas. Additionally, it calls for people to dig in deeper and put some effort in order for the truth to reveal itself to them.   The magic of number 7 appears to be in a fact that it forces us to confront the illusions and attain the true wisdom.

Keno tips and tricks

Keno Tips and Tricks

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Many wrongly believe that playing Keno is boring and that chances of winning significant amounts of money are low. However, playing online opens the door to a completely new experience. Additionally, the payouts in online casinos are usually better than in the brick and mortar ones. With Keno tips and tricks, you can master your skill and increase the odds to your favor.

As with many other games, the outcome is unpredictable, due to the random number generator. However, unpredictable as it may be, there is still a mathematical logic behind the game and the RNG. Skilled players developed some of the techniques and things to watch out for. Here they are.

Get Acquainted with the Rules

Before placing your money, get to know the rules. That way, there would be no hidden costs or unpleasant surprises once you start playing for real money. Keno games can vary to some extent. Therefore, you should know the limits concerning how many numbers you can play.

Also, the important detail is the minimum bet, as well as the potential payout and the chance of matching numbers.  In order to get to know the rules and get comfortable with game, you can always practice for free.

Check the Payouts

This is the first thing some would do, even before getting to know the rules. Nevertheless, many people do not bother. They simply love the game and enjoy it, without trying to raise the odds.

In order to know what payout system suits you best, the first thing you should do is check how many versions of Keno there are. In many casinos, you can choose up to 20 numbers to place your bet. Afterwards, the 20 numbers are drawn out of 80.

How Many Numbers to Choose?

How many numbers to choose to bet on is the ultimate question. As we have said, the winning numbers are randomly generated. However, there are math algorithms that say the best chances are if a player chooses between 4 and 8, or 7 and 11 numbers.

The explanation is that choosing less than 4 numbers is not worth the hassle, since the payouts are usually very low, the same as the chances of winning. Choosing more than 8 numbers increases your chances of winning and having at least 5 matching numbers.

In a combination of 7 up to 11 numbers, you will need 3 hits to break even. Additionally, some players claim that it is easier to hit 3 out of 11 than 3 out of 7 numbers. Hence, the chances of getting your original bet back are higher.

What Numbers to Choose?

When dealing with numbers online, many use birth dates or other significant dates and lucky numbers hoping to win. Although these numbers may be lucky to some, there is a mathematical calculation that says differently. Namely, the studies show that consecutive numbers provide the best odds. Also, researching the so called “cold numbers” can help as well. If a number has not appeared for some time, the chances are it will come in the near future. These are the numbers to bet on.

Should I Go Progressive Or Not?

As Keno is highly unpredictable, why not try your luck? After all, when you gamble, do it right. In case you explore the game and stick to some of the basic Keno tips and tricks, there are always chances of winning.  Progressive jackpot can really be worth the money. Especially since the pot builds over time. Therefore, the chances of winning a larger sum boost up.

In order to bet for progressive jackpot, explore the betting requirements. Also, you should know the maximum size of the jackpot comparing to the current one.  This should give you the sense of how much the jackpot is still to boost before someone wins it.

Above all – remember to enjoy the game and its dynamics. Do not forget to let us know your experience with Keno.


Number two and Its meaning

Number Two and Its Meaning

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Numerology is so much more than we think. We take numbers for granted and do not think much about their meaning and what each number encompasses. Nevertheless, our world is based on numerology and numbers are all around – in our bodies’ proportions, in plants, in music, in every heartbeat. Basically, we are surrounded by numbers without even being aware of it. Except when we gamble, right? Have you ever thought about the number 2 and its meaning?

Maths or Philosophy

One of our favorite numbers is number 2. It screams duality and balance. Number 2 is all about interaction and equalization. In order to truly understand the nature of numbers, we need to take a short look back at some of the famous philosophers and mathematicians who explored this subject. Yes, philosophers dealt with this subject as well. Apparently, numbers are more than just graphic presentations of value or quantity.

We were taught that numbers are logical constructs. To us, they exist in the abstract world. Therefore, we can easily grasp only their partial concept. If something is doubled, we ascribe the 2 to it. However, the philosopher Kurt Gödel developed the theorem that says that “if numbers exist in the mathematical sense—then that fact can never be proved mathematically”.  This is the theorem that launches the concept of numbers to a mystical field, which is still beyond our full comprehension.

Back to the meaning of our favorite number 2, we should remember that this number has been explored and thought through many times in the past. Although we know so much about it nowadays, there are still aspects to discover in the future.

Number 2 in Ancient Greece

Number 2 is the only even prime number. It is also the smallest and first prime number, since every other even number can be divided by two.

We learnt about Pythagoras’ Theorem, but not too many of us heard about Pythagoras’ Constant. This is the first irrational number that has ever been discovered. It amounts to app. 1.41 and represents the square root of 2. The calculus itself dates back to Babylon times, believe it or not. Moreover, for the Pythagorians, this discovery of the irrational number at the basis of number 2 came as a big surprise and disbelief. Namely, it shook their understanding of the universe derived around whole numbers. Therefore, in ancient Greece number 2 was the unlucky number, according to the Pythagorians. Additionally, they even dedicated the second day of the month to Hades, the god of the Underworld.

On the other hand, Sparta, also in ancient Greece, had a belief of its own. This belief did not relate to the negative aspect of number 2. Contrary, Sparta had two kings on its throne, the Agiad and the Europontids. Spartans held them to be descendants of Heracles. Hence, they ruled with the same authority.

Number 2 in Ancient China

In ancient China the Daoists placed the foundation to one of the most widely accepted beliefs to this day. Namely, they claimed that the world is based on duality: the yin and yang principle. These two principles keep the world in balance.  The number 2 is usually related to the Yin. Yin is the female principle and symbolizes the earth, the cold, the dark and the soft.

The Chinese went even further and developed the legend of the Earth God, Tu Di Gong and the keepers of his temple, Men Shen. The keepers come in pair and represent two door gods which are differently represented. One is white, the other is either red or black. Either way, their representation is quite strong. They look very strict and they prevent the entrance and the evil demons from entering our world.

If we take a look at number two from the more mathematical point of view, it is the number of division. It separates the whole in half. From metaphysical or “mystical” point of view, two is the number which reflects relations, be it rivalry or companionship. It forces us to rethink our decisions and to unite. Two teaches us that there is no me without you.


Do you have a favorite number?


Famous roulette strategies

Famous Roulette Strategies

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Roulette originates from France. The word itself means “little wheel”.  Many roulette lovers do not know that one of the first roulette versions in the US featured an “American Eagle” field in the wheels. This field, as a symbol of American liberty, stood for the house edge and was later abolished. Famous roulette strategies have been developing ever since to decrease the house edge. The extent to which people have been dealing with this matter is portrayed in a fact that many famous people have considered gambling and strategies.

The US Roulette

If we put aside the arrangement of fields in the wheel, the US roulette evolved in a way that the wheel was eventually placed on the table instead of inside the table. The decision was based on presumption that such arrangement would diminish the cheating and placement of various devices inside or below the table to influence the game. The US roulette game evolved from New Orleans and further to the west, while the French roulette developed further in Monte Carlo.

The US Roulette wheel has 36 numbers and a zero. The well know fact is that the sum of all numbers from 1 to 36 amounts to 666. So, let us explore the famous strategies of the “devil’s game”.

The Martingale System

There are several famous roulette strategies. If you are an experienced player, you most probably have developed your own strategy.  We sincerely hope it helps and boosts your chances of earning some serious money. If you are a beginner, the first thing you should do is get to know the existing strategies. The most talked-about is certainly, the Martingale system.

Roulette is probably the most unpredictable game. The thing is that whatever you do, you can never be certain in which field the ball would lend. Simultaneously, this is also the thing that makes it the most exciting. It is the game of chances. Nevertheless, as with all other games, there is a system which works short term.

The concept of the Martingale system is that a player should increase the bet after every loss. Consequently, when a player wins, he or she gets the lost money back and starts betting with that initial amount again. This is the most popular and the most commonly used system in roulette.

Experienced roulette players consider it to be a risky strategy. The downside of this system, as they claim, is the fact that there is a limit to how much or how many times a player can win. The frequency of winnings is increased without a doubt. However, if you are a player who goes for the big bucks, this strategy may not be the right choice. On the other hand, if you are just getting to know the game and are looking for a strategy that will get you in the mood and offer some input to roulette, Martingale system can work just fine.

So, How Does It Work?

Experience taught us that the best way to use this strategy is to bet on only even-money outside bets 1-18, 19-36, Red, Black, Even, and Odd. The chances of winning are 50%. The minimum payout is in 1:1 ratio.  I guess you can never lose if you get to collect the same amount you invested in the first place.

If you are into even-money bets, the suggested bet progression is: 1 – 2 – 4 – 8 – 16 – 32 – 64 – 128 – 256 – 512 – 1024 – 2048 – 4096 – 8192.

Additional Martingale Tips

Almost all famous roulette strategies suggest that beginners should start with minimum bets. If you keep betting, eventually, you will lose at one point. However, the trick is to double the bet when that happens. Once you do that, in case you win, you get to reimburse the money you originally placed plus win some extra cash.  The next step would be to again place the minimum bet for the next spin, and just keep going in circles.

All in all, the Martingale system is a risky strategy that can bring you short-term winnings. You should always keep in mind that the money you win will be placed as another bet for another possible win. Would it be equal to the previous one or at least in the same neighborhood, no one can predict. The most important thing is to explore the odds and know your limits. Bet safely and enjoy the game.


Do not forget to let us know your experience.