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diamonds jewelry

Interesting Things About Priceless And Invincible Diamonds

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When I think of casino, the first thing that comes to my mind is sparkle. Lights, diamonds and ka-ching. And Bond and beautiful ladies, of course. But we will get to that subject in the future. Today we will focus on one of the most expensive stones in the world and the reasons we love it.

For centuries, diamonds have been symbolizing strength, devotion, love, invincibility. These shining little treasures form in the darkest places imaginable. The things we regard as the most valuable, the stones that disperse light in the most unimaginable ways and thus shed new light to our world both physically and metaphorically, actually form themselves some 100 miles beneath the surface of the earth.

jewelry luxury

Interesting facts about diamonds

  • Today New York City is the largest diamond market in the world. The rocks sold in NY usually come from Antwerp, Belgium, where most of the worlds natural diamonds are processed.
  • Arkansas is the home to the only field in the world where you can dig for diamonds yourself and keep what you find. Ever heard of Murfreesboro and Crater of Diamonds State Park? If you have ever been there, we would like to hear your thoughts.
  • The four Cs (cut, colour, clarity, and carat) are the most talked about features. However, these physical features of diamonds are just tip of the iceberg. Diamonds are so much more interesting.
  • Natural diamonds are made of 100% carbon. I read it somewhere that our pencils and diamonds are made of the same material, only with atoms differently arranged. It is a strange thing when you come to think of it. The same material with different appearance and meaning depending on the way it “grew”.
  • Some people believe that diamonds come from outer space. There are, actually, some scientific thesis to support this. Those kinds of diamonds are found in South America and Africa and contain higher levels of graphite, believed to originate from an asteroid which hit the earth some 3 billion years ago.
  • Diamond is the strongest mineral we know of.  It has been estimated that diamonds are 58 times harder than any other material found in nature. As strong as they are, they can also be fractured easily, but only if positioned with perfect precision.
  • Colourless diamonds are considered extremely pure. Apart from the pure ones, in nature we can find the entire colour spectra of diamonds, depending on the presence of certain elements.
  • The most expensive diamond is priceless. It has 105 carats, and it is in the possession of the British royal family. Originally from Persia, it is called Koh-I-Noor (Mountain of Light). The name is quite self-explanatory. The way this 21.6 grams of rock shine its light is completely dazzling.
  • Another priceless diamond is the Sancy Diamond, which is being looked after at the Louvre museum. It is pale yellow and comes from India. The distinction is credited to the fact that it has no pavilion, just a pair of crowns.
  • Less expensive diamonds are also extremely rare, such as blue diamonds, and can be bought at roughly $400 million (Cullinan diamond a.k.a The Star of Africa) or $350 million (The Hope Diamond) – which is being kept at Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.

Whether you believe in their protective power or not, diamonds are the most valuable stones today. Both jewelers and metaphysicists regard them as stones of utmost value and meaning. Apart from opening “spiritual doors”, they bring clear thoughts, and a lot of money if you decide to play with them. It is a win-win situation.

Try our marvelous slot “Gemtopia” with diamonds everywhere on the reels!

dodge tomahawk

Meet One of The Fastest Bikes in The World

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Freedom is the word most people use to describe hitting the road on two wheels. However, true bikers believe there are no words to describe the feeling. They say that nothing can compare to bike lines that converge with your body. If it is a vintage model, at least visually, even the better. However, as most of the bikers go for speed, we feel the need to mention one of the fastest bikes, Dodge Tomahawk.

bike moto fastest bikes

I am not a biker and the thought of riding extremely fast motorbikes makes my head spin. However, looking at them as state-of-the-art models draws everyone’s attention. Such bikes form a large part of the biking identity. That identity and the entire subculture intrigues people as it penetrates the entire background, environment as well as the biker’s personality. Therefore, biking is so much more than simply the form of artistic expression. Bikers live and breathe the exhilaration of speed and adrenaline, leaving behind the landscapes to fade away, as well as worries and everyday thought-provoking situations.

Back to our fast and elegant motorbike model. “Extreme” is the word to describe this machine in its entirety. Another question that comes to mind is:” Why would anyone want to test its 350mph speed?” Then again, thats just me, being a non-biker and in a way, admiring the bravery.

Apart from 8277cc, 10 valves, this so-called “superbike” has a four-stroke engine, and four wheels and each of the wheels has its own suspension. It also features two-speed manual toe shift and traditional chain and sprocket system. Dodge Tomahawk has throttle intake and a cooling system which is placed behind the intake manifold. It can accelerate from 0 to 60mph in just 1.75 seconds.

That being said, it is not a surprise it was not fully certified for the public use on the roads across the USA. It would be good to know whether there is a protection gear strong enough to keep the biker from possible serious injuries. However, the very fact it was designed, and that it works while at the same time looking extremely strong and elegant, is truly amazing and worth the divination.

Is speed your thing as well as the smell of engine oil? What drives you?

monday life hack

5 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues

By Lifestyle 2 Comments

OMG, it’s Monday again! Was this your first thought this morning? Join the club of people for whom Monday is a painful transition from the lazy weekend to the obligations of the work week. But, we decided to make our Mondays better and didn’t feel blue anymore. Try these 5 tricks with us and try to beat Monday blues.

Prepare on Sunday Night

Everything you can, prepare on Sunday night to make your Monday wake up without stress. Get your schedule in order, pick out an outfit, pre-prepare your breakfast… If you’re not a super organized person, at least make a rough plan.

Do Not Schedule Anything Too Stressful

Don’t go to the dentist, in no way! Or book any kind of stressful appointments. Monday is hard enough without these not-so-happy things. Just go to work and back home. Or go to some nice cocktail with friends.

Let Sunday Be Your Day of Rest

When we say that, we mean it. Don’t do on Sunday anything connected with your job – don’t check work email and don’t start ramping up the work week before the weekend is over. Try to let your second day of a weekend be your day of rest – read a good book, listen to favorite music, spend a day outside or do everything else not stressful.

Don’t Make Big Decisions

Someone said: “Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions”. That couldn’t be truer than on Mondays. Most big things can wait Tuesday because making major decisions on the day when you’re down can have serious consequences.

Say “Happy Monday”

You know that smiling when you’re upset can actually lighten your mood. In the same way saying positive things out loud can make you believe them and feel better. This could be a good reason to walk to the office with a big smile and the words “Happy Monday”!

Or, leave everything aside and make your Monday mood better by playing some of the amazing games at Casino Brango!




native americans indian tribe

The Indian Tribe Holds Control Over Blackjack in Florida

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On the heels of Florida voting to put the gambling industry in the hands of the voters, Florida just may get its new bill approving gambling and sports betting. Additionally, the bill can be introduced, but it cannot become law, until residents of Florida vote for it and demands of this one Indian tribe are met.

The president of Florida Senate, Bill Galvano, reportedly confirmed that the bill he will soon introduce would cover not just the approval of gambling, but all other aspects as well. Namely, “more of a comprehensive impact on the pari-mutuels, from tax rates to hours of operations”, according to

On the other hand, there is Seminole tribe, known as the “unconquered” Indian tribe, with rich cultural heritage. Their members are proud to be national leaders among American Indian tribes. Will they endure to function in the mainstream economy? Self-perseverance is hardly possible without participation in modern economy.

Just as a reminder, Florida signed a contract with Seminole tribe back in 2010, which is about to expire in May.  Provisions of this contract are now being reconsidered. The current contract stipulates Florida should receive a certain amount of revenue from the casinos operated by the tribe, while the tribe holds complete control over blackjack in the state. Previously, the state of Florida considered giving additional games and locations to the Seminole tribe.

The officials said that they were looking for the solution acceptable to all parties involved. Galvano also reportedly stated that he expected the tribe to argue for control over the sports gambling industry, as well as for the ability to add more table games, including craps and roulette. It has been estimated that the upcoming contract should secure Florida with approximately $3 billion in revenue for 7 years validity of the contract.

It was left for us to see how this story will unfold after March 5th  this year, upon starting of the new legislative session in Florida.

social networks facebook instagram twitter

Why We Like Social Networks and How It Impacts on Our Life?

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Social networks have become alternative reality. The more time passes by, the more real the networks become. “If you are not online, you do not exist”. You heard this before, right?

Ever since the dawn of mankind, the need to stay connected has existed. People had joined tribes, families, society in order to survive. From a psychological point of view, humans have the need to live in packs. It is more comfortable to know that you are not alone and that someone is sharing your joy or sorrow.

In modern society, the world lies in the palm of your hand. The concept of social networks was meant to facilitate the processes in our lives. And it does. What networks also contributed to is the fact we are constantly exposed as we keep sharing our deepest thoughts with the rest of the world.

We like to use social networks to keep you informed and inspired. Check out our Twitter account and Instagram, but also our Facebook page where you can find a nice Valentine’s Day promotion that expires today.

As for some of the advantages of being online, keep reading.

Connecting people – No one is alone virtually. I must admit that at the time when social networks were introduced, I hesitated to open my profile. The whole concept seemed too detached to me. Nothing can compare to a live conversation face to face, or so I thought. Soon, people around me started spending more and more time online, and comment on the lives of friends whom we have not seen for a long time. I wanted to be a part of that world. My primary drive was the need to keep touch with friends and family who moved abroad. As time was passing by, other advantages of using social networks emerged. Today, an incredible number of people are using this media not just to connect with other people, but to boost their businesses, upgrade their professional experience, etc.

Social media has replaced chat rooms, where people “talked” without ever seeing each other, or knowing anything about the background, appearance, habits or likes and dislikes of that other person. We moved a few steps ahead, and today we can form an opinion about someone before even the interaction started. Naturally, the details upon which this opinion is created are true to the extent that person is willing to reveal them.

Opportunity to join groups which share your interest – In case you are lacking the people who share your interests in real life, social media gives you the chance to find likeminded people online. Whether you choose to interact with people who share your interests, or to discuss with people who have opposite viewpoints, social media will make your life more interesting. Draw back of this channel of communication is a possibility of misuse. However, if you are a responsible adult, aware of the rules to which we should all abide when using social networks, you will be able to recognize and prevent possible harassment.

Social networks are free – Since they are free to use, these communities are open for anybody. So, why not take advantage of this fact and adjust the use to your preferences?

Social networks are one of the jobs searching platforms – Not only that social networks can help businesses to spread and attract more consumers, but they can also help individuals find jobs. People post their CVs, skills, previous projects, information about their education, all in order to attract possible colleagues or employers to notice them. Professional platforms keep recruiting people this way, and we can openly say that business has shifted online. Never before has the world been so connected and intertwined. And the possibilities are immense.

We would like to stay connected. Lets make friends!