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Blockchain based gaming

Blockchain-Based Gaming Is the Next Best Thing

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Tech enthusiasts believe that blockchain-based gaming is the next best thing. We may agree or disagree, but we have to admit that more and more businesses turn to blockchain every day. How does it affect gaming?

By its nature, gaming world is predisposed to keep up with the latest trends. Therefore, blockchain has entered gaming a few years back. Nevertheless, we could say that the process of turning to blockchain completely will take some time.

What Does Blockchain-Based Gaming Look Like

If you are asking yourself how all this could look like in virtual reality and what does it all mean, you can unleash your imagination. To give a simple example the way we see it – imagine being able to develop your own tasks and quests in a game. Let’ s say, you are building a castle, or an island. Then, the result of your work will be stored on a blockchain. Your creation will be considered a property. You would be able to make additions or any kind of changes to it.   Furthermore, all players will be able to obtain the true ownership over the characters or items displayed. All players will take roles of miners. And above all, all players would be able to trade among themselves.

We already wrote about this transition of games, especially when it comes to Ripple. European companies as well, have explored the possibilities. Namely, Ubisoft is deeply involved in the development of Ethereum-based games. Ubisoft is the company behind “Assassin’s Creed”, “Far Cry”, and “Just Dance”. Recently, they issued the statement saying:

The mission of the lab is to explore social, technical and business trends that will shape the future of entertainment. On this basis, we are trying to help Ubisoft to be prepared to these changes. We strongly believe that blockchain is a huge thing, something that will change the gaming industry.”

So, we have this situation where big names in the industry are exploring, developing, observing, while smaller companies are taking the first plunge. Why is that so?

First of all, large companies have a lot more to lose. Starting with funds, ending with image. Therefore, we guess they prefer safety and to invest lot more in planning.  Secondly, it seems that the initiative in the form of initial coin offerings is attractive for smaller players and developers.

Pros of Blockchain-Based Gaming

One of the things that makes blockchain-based games so attractive is the immutable ledger. This makes impossible for players to change any data. Although it does not sound positive, it actually is. This feature promotes  trust between all parties involved, from developers to players.

If we have blockchain involved, there must be some cryptos around. Games contain items. Value of those items is expressed by game tokens. Players can trade with items using the tokens. By doing so, they create their own mini ecosystem. A marketplace, if you will. Having a game token facilitates the exchange. Otherwise, the transaction would be more complicated and would involve multiple currencies.

Apart from cryptos, blockchain also promotes the use of smart contracts. These digital contracts are there to secure transactions and make them more reliable, and you can read more about this here

Cons of Blockchain-Based Gaming

The way most people who are hesitant to this type of gaming see it – new technologies can be complicated. For those not familiar with the entire concept of private and public keys and crypto wallets, all this can be confusing. However, we rarely see complete beginners in the gaming world. And even if they decide to try it out, anything can be learned.

The other main reason against blockchain-based gaming is the volatility of cryptos. It’s a fact that some cryptos fluctuate a lot. On the other hand, the reason for this is their decentralized nature, which is a big plus to begin with.  So, it is debatable whether this is actually a reason against it.

Either way, it remains for us to see how things will unfold. In the meantime, keep spinning those reels.

We are looking forward to hearing whether you would like to experience blockchain-based gaming.

How We Value Money

How We Value Money

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Money is one of our favorite words. It speaks the universal language. How we value money is another matter.

You may have never thought about it, but money is an invention of our mind. Due to the need to interact and exchange goods in order to survive, mankind has invented money. Naturally, the evolution of money went through various stages to become the money we know today. However, one thing has been constant: money means value.

We relate the value of a service or goods to certain amount of money. Nevertheless, money has a greater dimension – a psychological one. The values of both aspects of money can be measured in different ways.

Money Means Security and Power

In most parts of the world, money means security. It may be a myth imposed by the society and media, but many people believe that without enough money, their reality would come crushing down. There are scarce societies worldwide that survive with far less than the average American. Furthermore, members of those societies display closeness and devotion to their “tribe” incomparable to the one seen in our civilization. Above all, they have a strong will to defend their group . We can agree that this is extremely rare, but it makes us wonder how far we have drifted from our own purpose and nature.

On the other hand, the reality we live in tells us that we can be taken care of in case of emergency, if we have enough resources. Also, the message we received a long ago was that our kids would be better educated if we are well-off. If we have enough money, we can afford better houses, quality food, higher living standards.

And if we can afford all this and more, we feel powerful, right? There is no greater feeling than the feeling of power. It makes us able to do whatever we want. Power means independence and immense possibilities.

Having all this in mind, it is only logical to be in constant struggle to earn more. Overthinking about money has some beneficial effects too. It can make you plan your spending better. It can also keep you away from falling into debts.

Money Means Freedom

Apart from providing security and making us feel powerful, money also means freedom. In my personal opinion, freedom has become the most overrated word nowadays. From the universal concept of the highest value ever, we have come to regard freedom as our own private thing. We make our own micro freedoms thanks to its highness – the money. The level of freedom is valued when ranking the happiness index, for example.

Money means freedom if you can plan a get away to an exclusive spot, whenever you want to. Money also means freedom when you can be your own boss or chase your own whims. Money provides freedom when you can choose the projects you are interest in to work on.

The value of money, although obviously stated, is different for everyone. This is why there are people who talk about the money in a spiritual way. Regardless of how much you earn, you will spend the money in accordance with your own values. If you look at it that way, your spending habits can tell a lot about yourself. And this is the point where money becomes more than means of payment. It becomes the other dimension of ourselves. The picture of us which we should take a closer look at from time to time.


What is money to you?


Luxury vacation wild animals

Luxury, Vacation and Wild Animals

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In case you love luxury, vacation and wild animals – especially giraffes, the Giraffe Manor  in Nairobi, Kenya may be just the right place for you. Wilderness and luxury usually do not go hand in hand. However, this unique boutique hotel provides everything you need to enjoy your stay.

The Giraffe Manor Origins

The Giraffe Manor is part of The Safari Collection. It is situated in the midst of 140 acres forest, in the suburb of Nairobi. The hotel itself features the 1930s style, depicting the first European safari adventures. It actually originates from that time. Namely, it was built in 1932 as a family home for Sir David Duncan. It is honest to say that it has kept its character through decades. The rooms feature wooden furniture and are equipped with fireplaces and handmade pieces of interior that add the special touch.

Giraffes as Special Guests

The most interesting thing about this beautiful hotel is the fact it is a home to a herd of Rothschild’s giraffes. Imagine dwelling in the garden in the middle of wilderness and a giraffe walks by and shares breakfast with you. Or gives you a kiss, for that matter. Animal lovers would enjoy making friends. You have to admit that having giraffes sticking their long necks through your window just to say “Hi” is a unique experience.

Interested tourists should know, however, that these giraffes are wild animals and that no one can guarantee that they would be willing to interact. Nevertheless, there are always buckets of grass pellets ready to offer some treats to these beautiful creatures. Luckily, the giraffes got accustomed to feeding this way, so they have developed the habit of “stopping by”. Furthermore, they visit frequently, as they simply love to eat. This particular type of giraffe eats approximately 75 pounds of food daily and spends between 16 and 20 hours chewing each day.

On the other hand, they sleep only about half an hour a day. Supposedly, this means that they can walk by your window while you are sleeping. Sounds cool, doesn’t it?

The most important thing about this place is that they treat these 16 to 19 feet tall giraffes humanely. The Giraffe Manor is very close to the local sanctuary for endangered animals. The staff at the Manor apparently pays close attention to how tourists interact with giraffes. They make sure everything goes smoothly, to the satisfaction of both the animals and humans. They also offer advice on how to approach the giraffes and avoid any type of stress. Everything is adjusted to secure the stress-free environment.

Impressions From Tourists

According to reviews from tourists worldwide, the hotel also offers excellent food and traditional English tea-time in the afternoon. Cuisine appears to be European, featuring fish, pasta, salads and exquisite desserts. The manor is also part of the vineyard, so they have excellent collection of recommended and home-grown vines.

Spa is also an option, while quality service goes without saying. Some say that the hotel lacks pool and gym. Personally, I think that it is difficult to compare this wild experience with swimming in the hotel pool or doing push ups.

Giraffe Manor hosts visitors all year long except in early spring when they do repairs. If you are planning a visit, we advise to inform yourself about the weather. There may be periods of rainy days which can last for a whole month or two. Nevertheless, the rainy season of this kind is usually quite predictable and occurs from mid-October to mid-December.

You should also know that unless you are the guest of the hotel, you are not allowed to visit the gardens and play with giraffes. This is logical, if you think about it. It is not a zoo, and too many people could cause anxiety in giraffes, making the experience less enjoyable.

Looking forward to hearing if the luxury vacation in the wilderness is your thing.

Facebook new project LibraCoin

Facebook Revealed Plans for New Project LibraCoin

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Facebook has revealed its plans for their new project, a stablecoin, which is now officially called LibraCoin. The public launch will reportedly happen in the first half of 2020. The media went frenzy and we are now witnessing the opposing views on LibraCoin’s future. But, first, let us explore LibraCoin.

What is LibraCoin

What is LibraCoin is the frequently asked question these days. As majority of other cryptocurrencies, LibraCoin is a digital currency that serves as a means of payment. As expected, the transaction fees that apply to LibraCoin are near to zero. Facebook reportedly announced that the users would be able to buy LibraCoin or get their cash from LibraCoin either online or at local exchange spots.

Facebook has also developed its Calibra wallet. Apparently, it will be governed by Facebook, as a subsidiary of its own. This wallet will be integral part of Messenger, WhatsApp, and other Facebook’s apps. However, it appears we will wait a few more months to be able to use Calibra.

The Libra currency is represented by a 3 wavy horizontal lines character ≋

Advantages of LibraCoin

We all expect LibraCoin to have some advantages over other cryptos. Facebook did not disappoint us in this respect. LibraCoin is fast and less expensive, especially if we use it for international transactions.

Apparently, the companies which accept LibraCoin as means of payment will have discounts or rewards.

This new stablecoin is powered by the Libra Blockchain. This ecosystem is announced as an open-source. It is developed in Facebook’s own Move programming language.

Libra Vs. Bitcoin

With Bitcoin being the leading crypto, we cannot avoid comparing the two . Bitcoin has proved itself as the master of decentralization. On the other hand, LibraCoin is controlled by Facebook and the Libra Association. Furthermore, Facebook declared that they would not have full control over LibraCoin. Other members of the Libra Association will participate in decision making. Among many companies, there are Visa, Uber, Andreessen Horowitz, etc. These members invested more than $10 million each in the project.

Bitcoin’s and Facebook’s blockchains also differ. Bitcoin runs on permissionless blockchain. This means that the miners do not have to ask for approval before they start their mining. LibraCoin’s block chain is permissioned.

Challenges LibraCoin Faces

When launching plans for the new financial ecosystem that has impacts worldwide, it is expected to face certain challenges. As stated above, LibraCoin is centralized and supported by government-backed currencies and securities. They claim that this should secure low risk and avoid fluctuations. Nevertheless, there are voices raising questions. Experts claim that LibraCoin is challenging banking systems, although they doubt this would be the end of the traditional institution. What we can predict at this stage is that LibraCoin will seek to exploit the weaknesses of banking transfers and offer more convenient solutions.

One of the main concerns mentioned in the media is over Facebook’s ability to secure the financial information of their clients. The concern is justified due to the previous breach of users’ personal information. With information about financial transactions, Facebook will now definitely have unrivaled advantage over all other companies in the industry.

Concerns from regulators include the ways LibraCoin will be regulated and in what way exactly Facebook and the Libra Association will be fighting money laundering.

Apparently, making LibraCoin the new leading crypto would take some time. As Facebook Inc. Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said, this project is a “long way from launch.” She also added:

“Regulators have concerns. We’re already meeting with them. We know we have a lot of work to do, but this was an announcement of what we would like to do with a roadmap for people to jump in and help us do it.”


We would appreciate your thoughts on LibraCoin.

commencement speech sharing values

Commencement Speech Sharing Values

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The time to give or to receive a commencement speech and sharing values has just ended. It made us think how seldom we go back to the words of wisdom we heard at that certain moment. Reminiscing can be rewarding, if we know how to interpret the values and remember them every now and then.

Graduating is an important time in a persons life. The best among us are usually invited to share their thoughts, advice, and pledges in the name of the entire generation. We stand there, proud and eager to take a plunge in life. Once it happens, the circumstances and paths we take lead us far away. Sometimes, they make us forget the essence of our beliefs. We experience difficulties remembering the way we were. The ideas we believed in. The dreams we had.

Without any pretension to sound too wise, this is just a short collection of what we believe should be the most important lessons to remember in life.

It Is OK to Fall, As Long As You Are Not Afraid to Get Up

Regardless of what your job may be, or your purpose in life, learning to “get up” is one of the most important lessons anyone should learn. This is probably the advice your parents have given you. If not, you must have experienced it yourself.

Fear is what usually makes us incapable of reacting properly. Facing fear and believing in yourself is what can pull you through.  This is a process that can last a lifetime. However, the sooner we realize that we have a certain power to create the circumstances the more self-confident we will be. Furthermore, our lives would be more fulfilling. Or, as Bill Nye said:” As we say in the theater and on television, take that fear and turn it into excitement.”

Another positive aspect of this small wisdom is that by accepting the fall, we accept our own imperfections. It may sound strange but being humble and aware of your own deficiencies can make you a better person. Additionally, the only way to advance in life is to pursue the skills and knowledge you are lacking. But, first, you need to be aware of what you are lacking.

Each Experience Is a Lesson

There is no great wisdom here, although this is completely true. Especially if you read between the lines. It is not about the experience itself, rather about the context of your own way of living. A lesson learned through experience can be different for anyone. It depends on how you interpret it. It also depends on what your moral grounds are. Either way, each experience is a lesson.

The toughest experiences make the toughest characters. Sometimes you will realize that you wasted your heart on a wrong person. Other times, you will see how deeply rewarded you can be for learning to be independent or to connect. There are times when experiences can teach us how to be patient and invest in the future. There are also times when we are faced with circumstances beyond our control. These are usually the moments when we test our faith.

Life is difficult, beautiful, hectic, romantic, tough. What we do with it, it is up to us. However, the only way to make this life a joyride is to take a break every now and then. Resetting can be healthy in the modern-day dynamics. Stop and smell the roses. Remember the important things and people in your life. Give them a call. Undo the wrong you may have done. You can feel better.


What is the most important advice you stick to?