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Number two and Its meaning

Number Two and Its Meaning

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Numerology is so much more than we think. We take numbers for granted and do not think much about their meaning and what each number encompasses. Nevertheless, our world is based on numerology and numbers are all around – in our bodies’ proportions, in plants, in music, in every heartbeat. Basically, we are surrounded by numbers without even being aware of it. Except when we gamble, right? Have you ever thought about the number 2 and its meaning?

Maths or Philosophy

One of our favorite numbers is number 2. It screams duality and balance. Number 2 is all about interaction and equalization. In order to truly understand the nature of numbers, we need to take a short look back at some of the famous philosophers and mathematicians who explored this subject. Yes, philosophers dealt with this subject as well. Apparently, numbers are more than just graphic presentations of value or quantity.

We were taught that numbers are logical constructs. To us, they exist in the abstract world. Therefore, we can easily grasp only their partial concept. If something is doubled, we ascribe the 2 to it. However, the philosopher Kurt Gödel developed the theorem that says that “if numbers exist in the mathematical sense—then that fact can never be proved mathematically”.  This is the theorem that launches the concept of numbers to a mystical field, which is still beyond our full comprehension.

Back to the meaning of our favorite number 2, we should remember that this number has been explored and thought through many times in the past. Although we know so much about it nowadays, there are still aspects to discover in the future.

Number 2 in Ancient Greece

Number 2 is the only even prime number. It is also the smallest and first prime number, since every other even number can be divided by two.

We learnt about Pythagoras’ Theorem, but not too many of us heard about Pythagoras’ Constant. This is the first irrational number that has ever been discovered. It amounts to app. 1.41 and represents the square root of 2. The calculus itself dates back to Babylon times, believe it or not. Moreover, for the Pythagorians, this discovery of the irrational number at the basis of number 2 came as a big surprise and disbelief. Namely, it shook their understanding of the universe derived around whole numbers. Therefore, in ancient Greece number 2 was the unlucky number, according to the Pythagorians. Additionally, they even dedicated the second day of the month to Hades, the god of the Underworld.

On the other hand, Sparta, also in ancient Greece, had a belief of its own. This belief did not relate to the negative aspect of number 2. Contrary, Sparta had two kings on its throne, the Agiad and the Europontids. Spartans held them to be descendants of Heracles. Hence, they ruled with the same authority.

Number 2 in Ancient China

In ancient China the Daoists placed the foundation to one of the most widely accepted beliefs to this day. Namely, they claimed that the world is based on duality: the yin and yang principle. These two principles keep the world in balance.  The number 2 is usually related to the Yin. Yin is the female principle and symbolizes the earth, the cold, the dark and the soft.

The Chinese went even further and developed the legend of the Earth God, Tu Di Gong and the keepers of his temple, Men Shen. The keepers come in pair and represent two door gods which are differently represented. One is white, the other is either red or black. Either way, their representation is quite strong. They look very strict and they prevent the entrance and the evil demons from entering our world.

If we take a look at number two from the more mathematical point of view, it is the number of division. It separates the whole in half. From metaphysical or “mystical” point of view, two is the number which reflects relations, be it rivalry or companionship. It forces us to rethink our decisions and to unite. Two teaches us that there is no me without you.


Do you have a favorite number?


Stress-relief in Japan and the Western world

Stress-Relief in Japan and the Western World

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Do you lock yourself in a bathroom when you need a moment for yourself? Or you go for a walk, or a drive maybe?  Above all, do you feel content and relaxed while enjoying the solitude? If the answer to all of the above questions is “yes”, then you can consider yourself to be a lucky person. We have been exploring the stress-relief in Japan and the western world.

Stress-Relief in Japan

Maybe you have never thought about it, but there are people who are so overwhelmed with the stress of their daily lives, that they cannot even find a place to vent. Take Japan, for example. The country that has very strong work ethic. The Japanese have advanced thanks to its perseverance and resourcefulness. They even incorporated many positive methods into their working environment in many industries. This goes to unimaginable lengths. Imagine a self-serving checkout (or cash register) in supermarkets. Yes, they have it and they are using it regardless how tech-savvy they are.

However, not all is shiny in the country of the rising sun. Apparently, the workers are highly stressed. Japanese have even invented the term “karōshi” meaning “overwork death”. Occupational sudden mortality happens even today. The term originates from the 1970s when they noticed the rising number of people dying from strokes or heart attacks associated with work burnout. Working overtime is often considered a public service.

Regardless of the industry they are working in, everyone needs time to break free. Recently, media reported about the phenomenon that rent-a-car agencies in Japan noticed first.  Namely, they noticed that the mileage remained almost the same after renting the cars to drivers. What they found out was that people renting cars actually just needed some time for themselves during the day. They needed to get away from constant hectic lifestyle. Furthermore, renting cars in Japan seems to be quite affordable, around 400 YEN for half an hour, which is approximately US$3.70. Renting agencies operate 24/7.

Work Ethics and Work Burnout

The interesting part about this phenomenon is that large number of cars rented were used for simply having lunch in solitude during a lunch break. Or, hiding away from bullies and annoying bosses. Alternatively, working Japanese use rent-a-cars for setting up a small office. There were also the cases of using rent-a-cars for storage. All in all, it appears that strong work ethic often goes hand in hand with estrangement. Orix Auto Corp i Times24 Co are among the largest rent-a-car agencies in Japan. They reportedly claimed that one in eight cars does not move around or go anywhere when rented. People use them to sort out their thoughts, to take a nap during a break, to reset their minds, or to simply get away from other people.

The western world can hardly imagine that kind of dedication. We cannot even begin to understand it. Therefore, we should not judge it either. What we should do is take care of ourselves and try to find that special private spot where we can take a break from everything that causes stress. Spending time alone is healthy. It gives us an opportunity to rethink the circumstances, relationships and our own acts in order to become better people. Happier individuals. Therefore, more appealing to others, but above all – to ourselves. Once we learn to appreciate our own efforts and time, life will become easier and more enjoyable.

Tell us about your special getaway spots. Is it a bench in the park? A visit to your favorite café? Or maybe, a secluded viewpoint overlooking the city?


Leadership in life and business

Leadership in Life and Business

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When you think of a leader, what is the first name that comes to your mind? Is it one of the famous politicians, an entrepreneur, or someone you know from everyday life? Leaders are individuals who have strong influence on other people and processes and who make things happen. So, why people do not usually relate the term “leader” with men and women who are not in the spotlight? Let us explore the leadership in life and business.

Leadership Skills in Real Life

I happen to know a lot of persons who lead by example. Being a leader in everyday life has its advantages, as well as downsides.  These individuals are usually not widely recognized and have no records of accolades ascribed to their names. Many books have been written on this subject, while the topic itself is quite simple to understand.

A person is a leader if he or she inspires and supports others while sharing the same goal. A true leader leads. This means that a leader should be focused on what can be done, not ponder on the possible mistakes and inabilities. Additionally, a leader is the person who is able to recognize other people‘s abilities and use them as resources.  This may sound to complicated, I know. Nevertheless, if you move the focus of your thinking from corporate frame to everyday life, you will see that leaders are among us.

A dedicated friend can be someone who inspires you. Friendships have that impact on people. We often find ourselves exploring the subjects we have never before thought of. Alternatively, friendships can be the driving force behind our efforts to achieve certain goals. Whether that driving force comes in a form of competitive spirit between friends or the simple need to show that we are good at something, to boast about, it is of less importance.

Parents can be magnificent leaders too. Their altruistic “job” is to be understanding and supportive. A parent should be able to foresee the obstacles and to teach the child how to circumnavigate them. Alternatively, a parent can lead a child‘s way through the obstacle and experience the storm together. Sometimes, it is necessary to learn through mistakes and a good leader knows that investing in such an experience pays off. Eventually, a skilled person is the one with a lot of “hands-on” escapades. Furthermore, the ultimate goal of a parent is to groom new leaders.

Old Vs. New

We hear the same phrases on daily basis: “Be pro-active, follow your dreams.” Although this is nice and we can agree with the essence of this message, we feel the need to question the means to achieve such goals. Call me old school, but “pro-active” is often mistakenly understood as “aggressive”. What great leaders do is rely on former authorities in their field and then explore if there is any room for improvement of their ideas and methods.

The technology has changed significantly, and it is still developing at incredible speeds. This makes our lives easier in a way. It puts technology in our hands as a means of achieving higher goals. However, human nature is not changing at the same speed as technology. Good leaders are aware of intellectual limits of people in their teams. Above all, being a leader does not necessarily mean that you should generate something new and revolutionary. The way we see it, leaders are the persons who do something meaningful and are able to transfer that drive and knowledge to others.

There are times when we should consult older and wiser. I have read recently that Bill Gates has learned the most important lesson in life from Warren Buffett. According to his own words, he learned what true friendship really is. And what an investment that is! To learn how to share the knowledge and inspire others while getting the same feedback. Obviously, this is how true leaders are made. Not everything is in fierce discipline, working by the book and building condescending attitude towards the world.

Do you know any good leaders?


Hot and affordable destinations

Hot and Affordable Destinations

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We are all eagerly waiting for summer vacation. If you can afford to travel abroad, your head would probably spin amid the plentiful offer. Depending on what your preferences are, you will get to choose from a variety of exotic islands to city getaways. We explored hot and affordable destinations.

If you are into good food, there is no cuisine like the Mediterranean one. In case you like adventure, Central or Latin America can be a good choice. Either way, the chances are you would like to get the most out of your vacation experience for the least money possible. These are some of the destinations that work quite well for both well-off and regular guys.


The trip to Bali takes time and money. Nevertheless, once you are there, you will see that the place is incredibly inexpensive. Simultaneously, it offers incredible natural beauty. Even if you prefer 5-star hotels, the rates are way lower than at some other popular destinations. For example, a night in one of the popular hotels costs approximately between $150 and $220.

Now, the good part. In case you are not addicted to extreme luxury, you can enjoy the quite a classy experience in one of the rented apartments or houses for as low as $14 a night. As for daily costs, they range from $4.00 to $8.00. The Western meals cost a bit more, but not significantly.

Additional activities, such as diving, for example are available for $6.00 or $7.00. Looking for even more affordable vacation? Try heading from the south to the inland areas of Bali.


Regardless of the fact Thailand has been a popular tourist destination for years, it has maintained relatively affordable prices. For the best possible rates, try avoiding the most popular spots. That way, you would be able to get by with $2.00 to $4.00 daily. A simple room costs between $5.00 and $8.00. The average cost of a heavy meal is $4.50.


Greece is a beautiful place by itself and you cannot go wrong whichever spot you choose. However, in order to save up on some serious money, make sure to avoid Mikonos. It can be quite expensive. Justified, but expensive. In general, Greek islands are more expensive than mainland. However, there are plenty islands to choose from, and many of those are quite affordable.

Greece is lovely in September as well. Therefore, if you wish to save even more money, check out the September deals. The rates are way lower than in high season, which is July and August.

Greece offers a variety of hotels. However, you should know that a 5-star hotel in Greece although quite good, does not contain all amenities and services that hotels of the same rank offer in Turkey, for example. Or Bali, for that matter. Hence, make sure to check the detailed offer in advance.

Furthermore, you can always choose one of the quite affordable studios for your stay in Greece. In September, which is still hot in Greece, a nice room can cost you approximately $17.00 a night. The famous gyros is available for less than $3.00. Greece is famous for a lamb dish, which can be found for the price of app. $10.00.


Travelling abroad this Summer? Looking forward to hearing your experiences.

How a relationship affects your friendships

How a Relationship Affects Your Friendships

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There is nothing more challenging in human relationships than telling if the bond is honest and mutually trustworthy. Choosing a partner can be complicated on its own, let alone making the newly added member fit into the well-established routine and circle of family and friends. How to tell if your relationship affects your friendships is the right question.

You fell in love and think your partner is the most mesmerizing person in the world. However, your friends disagree. You are obviously wearing rose-colored glasses. Good for you! However, in order to keep friends by your side you should consider some of the following aspects every now and then.

Try More Balanced Time Scheduling

It is OK to be eager to spend large amounts of time with your significant other.  However, remember that spending time apart can sometimes do wonders for people in love. And who better to spend that time with than your friends? The phrase that “distance makes hearts grow fonder” was invented for a reason. Solitude can also provide the opportunity to reset your mind and take a closer look at your decisions and acts. The basic self-check can come in handy from time to time.

We know that falling in love is all about emotions and very little reasonable thinking. Nevertheless, keep in mind that your friends have been around for a long time, and for a reason. If you had chosen them to be your friends, you must have valued their opinions. There is no reason not to continue valuing them once you fall in love.  Let them be your correction factors.

Make Sure Not to Be Too Focused on Your S.O. in Conversation

Your friends are there to share the news and offer a shoulder to cry on. They are among the first persons to learn about your adventures, doubts, and so on. However, try not to be boring. Although friends usually like to hear about it, they also like to comment on other topics. Remember the things you used to analyze over and over again before you were struck by love? Or the common interests you had, even if it meant carelessly staring at … well, whatever. There is life apart from your new partner. And there is another part of you that needs to feel independent in order t be able to love. The best advice we heard of was not to give up on oneself.

Be Aware of Early Signs of Abusive Relationship

As we have said earlier in the text, it is fine to want to spend all the time in the world with your romantic partner. Nevertheless, one thing to watch out for is the early sign of abusive behavior.

Manipulators are masters in making you believe that giving up on your friendships was originally your idea. This is serious. No one has the right to isolate you from either friends or family. Regardless of the reasons. If someone deserves that you turn your back on him or her, it should truly be your own decision. Moreover, a large warning sign is the moment when you start to feel bad in a relationship. Friends can help you out in situations like that one. If you feel that your self-esteem is getting lower by the day, turn to your friends. If they are your genuine friends, they would know what advice to give you and will always have your back.

Observe How Your Friends React to Your Partner

Although you may think there is no reason in the world for someone not to like your S.O., someone may find him or her repulsive. Observe how your friends are treating your partner. The important distinction you should make here is whether they do not like your plus one or they do not like the way you behave in his or her company. Either way, it is a challenging situation.

If it is the latter, you should go back to the first advice stated above and refer to solitude and introspection. It is important to keep the character features that make you who you are. If you are changing, it should be for the better.

In case your friends simply do not like your partner, you should consider their reasons. If you do not find them legitimate, then the only thing left to do is avoid the situations where the meeting between your friends and your partner is possible. This will complicate your life, for sure. Eventually, one day, you will most probably, need to choose.


Do you let your relationships influence your friendships?